Alpha International 024-3579999: Piano verhuizen tips: Prijzen goedkoop vleugels vanaf de hoogste verdieping met trap naar beneden. Zelf met karretje verplaatsen of offerte aanvragen.

✅ TIP: ( Vergelijk altijd voordat u koopt )
Vergelijk 5 Verhuis specialisten in Nijmegen en vergelijk en vind de beste Piano Verhuizers!


Wijchenseweg 20
6537TL Nijmegen
Gemiddeld: 0
Aantal beoordelingen: 0
Jij beoordeelde Nog niet beoordeeld
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Wat wij doen:
Alpha International is one of the top 5 European distributors of full-range computer supplies. We exclusively distribute original computer supplies from within Europe to dealers. Our customers include wholesalers, retailers and webshop companies in IT and office products. Our head office is in Nijmegen (the Netherlands). In order to guarantee international coverage we have sales offices in Germany and the UK.

We distribute all our products from our paperless European distribution centre in Wijchen, the Netherlands. At Alpha International, you are not only assured of the best market prices, but also of reliable and efficient order processes, without compromising on the quality of our services. As a result our proposal is always competitive and tailored to your company’s growth.

Through an excellent mix of 'in house' automation and customised logistic processes, Alpha International can always distribute computer supplies at low prices. Our strength is our knowledge of logistics and our own streamlined processes. We are happy to share this knowledge with you, to create synergy and ensure that our added value is actually reflected in your business results. Each of Alpha International’s strategic partners also fulfils the most stringent efficiency criteria so that all the logistic processes run as smoothly as possible for you.Specialiteiten:
Cartridges, Printpapier , Opslag computer benodigdheden, Barcoderingen, Stickering, Logistieke begeleiding , Eigen webshop, Harde schijven, Software , Compact disks

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